This wonderful book is an excellent reference for four-shaft crackle weaving. The illustrations include many drafts and photographs/scans of colorful woven fabrics. Lucy Brusic introduces the crackle weave structure and explains the threading system used for four-shaft crackle drafts. Once the warp is chosen, then treadling methods, variations, and draft combinations provide many ideas for creating a variety of weaves on a single warp. Using the drafts published by Mary Atwater, Marguerite Davison, and Mary Snyder, Brusic weaves them in many new ways that illustrate the flexibility of the weave structure. This book is not a pattern book with setts and yarn instructions, but contains clear directions for multiple treadling opportunities. Textiles illustrated range from drapeable scarves to floor rugs. The appendixes include an excellent bibliography and pattern source information.
Judie Eatough, editor of CD Mary Meigs Atwater Recipe Book
With the knowledge she has gained from her many years of crackle weave study, Lucy takes us through a pleasurable sequence, block by block, explaining as she goes and illustrating with examples of her weaving. Taking a draft from one source, adding treadlings from another, Lucy creates a method of working with the structure that give us freedom to design, and explains what makes it all work. I found myself getting very excited as I worked my way through this book, yearning to run to my loom and try all the ideas presented.
Traudi Bestler, teacher Minnetonka Art Center and Weavers Guild of Minnesota