A Crackle Weave Companion
A Crackle Weave Companion: Exploring Four-Shaft Crackle
by Lucy M. Brusic
A Crackle Weave Companion is a comprehensive new guide to the Crackle weave and its literature. Lucy Brusic brings together in one volume more than 100 four-shaft Crackle patterns previously published in the books of Marguerite Davison, Mary Snyder, and Mary Atwater. Using an easy-to-follow letter transcription system, A Crackle Weave Companion updates the older patterns and shows how they can be adapted to wider or narrower warps.
8.5 x 11, case-bound, 128 pages,
215 illustrations (most in color), index, bibliography
ISBN 978-1-933794-56-3
$29.95 plus shipping (add MN tax if shipping to Minnesota)
Available from Kirk House Publishers, Minneapolis MN